Hey There and Welcome to Style With Kitty!
Here’s a little about me:
My roots go back to Peshawar, Pakistan where I was born, however it was New Jersey that raised me, life has now brought me to southeast Idaho and I’ve found peace and happiness amongst these mountains.
By profession I’m a Tax Accountant (Yup, as exciting as it sounds!) But currently I’ve taken the roll of a full-time stay at home mom. I am blessed with two handsome boys only fourteen months apart. I wouldn’t trade my job as a stay at home mom for the world!
Welcome to my corner of the world where you can find recipe’s, budget friendly fashion, and tried and true fitness tips. So here’s to the early mornings and late nights of joining me on this platform where we connect about food, fashion, fitness, travel, and mommin’ because let’s be honest mommin’ ain’t easy and when you know you have a tribe of your very own in the same boat it makes it all the more survivable! Join my tribe right here at Style With Kitty!