I most certainly haven’t had a chance to post in here as often as I’d intended on doing so. But here’s to at least making it back and getting some fun posts on the blog!
Idaho hasn’t exactly been cooperating with us these past few weeks when it comes to weather. Check out my Instagram page it was snowing just about a week ago!! For the few warm days we’ve had I’ve been making the most of those days by hitting some trails near our home for hiking and walks around town.
I’m not by any means a hiker so small trails are more of what I’ve been doing…it’s a start! We did a family hike last weekend which lead to some amazing views and a great workout! Not to mention some fun photo sessions.
The days I go for a walk or a hike I feel as though I have accomplished something. Sometimes it’s the independent time away from diaper changes and feedings that is a change itself. Having worked for several years and suddenly leaving my career aside to be a stay-at-home mom I feel as though my days and nights are all commingled. But I wouldnt give up being home to see my children grow and excel before my eyes for the world.
Exercise gives me a boost of energy for the day and the little things like my kids tugging and pulling at me through the day don’t seem as irritable. My attitude is more positive and I have more internal energy to get through the days.
Being amongst the valley’s of Idaho and the Rocky Mountains we are so blessed with amazing views at our doorstep. The trails to these mountains lead to jaw dropping views. The views let alone give you a minute to take a deep breadth and just enjoy Mother Nature. This itself is a game changer and helps to release that positive energy!
As the weather warms up and summer days are up ahead I highly encourage you all to hit up some trails for a hike or even a walk.
Here’s to a sunny summer ahead…
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