Hi Friends!
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve written in here and A LOT has happened in the past six months! First off, here’s something ya’ll might as well learn about me, I do not handle stress well. January went by quite smoothly it was the start of a new year I had all my ducks in a row for a fresh start and new year, I was writing on here regularly! And then February came and Ali’s IFR training started which in simple terms is his training to fly through clouds or more so “blindly” with zero visibility and the only thing he can rely on is his instruments in the airplane. In aviation it’s considered the toughest training and exam! BUT, HE PASSED all three parts! That was quite a stressful time for me because no matter how hard I tried my mind was constantly on him and his training. And when I stress I tend to shut down and my mind just revolves around my worries! Not a good habit and I’m working on that! That was around mid to end of February!
Then one day as I was driving towards my parents house and I spotted a house that was on sale that caught my eye. And I’ve been searching for a new home for over a year now, Ali not so much! But I do love looking at homes and keeping up to date on the market anyway… so I called our realtor and booked an appointment to see this house and Ali bailed on seeing it because he was stuck in meetings ALL day! So I walked through the house with the boys and that was it! Two days later the house was history because someone else put an offer on it, thanks to this crazy market! And I was a little heart broken.
The house may have been history but we had a fun trip to Dominican planned for months before in March! First week of March we took off for a week and celebrated my beautiful sister turning 40; beach side with sunshine, the ocean waves, and lots of sister time!! It was an epic trip not to mention the full time chef service, boat rides, jumping into the ocean, soaking up the sunshine, and adventures exploring a new place we had never been!
Came back to good old Idaho about a week later sunburned and sundazed! That same week I got a call from the realtor saying the house I had spotted was back on the market and my heart kinda felt like this one may be it! SO, with some convincing I got Ali to go see this house with me and well that was it! He barely walked through the house and he said say no more, this is it! Less than 60 days later we had our house SOLD and we closed on our DREAM home! (Again- Very stressful process!) As far as the moving process let’s just say it took a village and I’ve never purged so much in my life! But here we are and that’s all that matters very few boxes in sight, a functioning kitchen and a bed to sleep! We are loving putting the house together and ALL things home decor these days!
Summer is in full swing the kids are over the moon excited for the warm days, water balloon fights, and lots of play time with ALL their cousins around! Kids started activities this spring too Rayyan played a few weeks of Lacrosse and it was so fun to watch him! Summer has been packed with swim and tennis lessons. I started playing Tennis too!! There’s just something about being on that tennis court that gets my blood rushing and I love it!
That’s been my life this year so far… Now on to the fun stuff too! Sharing some BIG news in the coming weeks!! Something I have been working on for the past couple months! And I’m pretty excited so stay tuned!
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